Svanubhava 2015, an overnight festival lasting 24 hours, on 7th August

Kalakshetra Foundation welcomes you to
Svanubhava 2015
7th August 2015 | 24 hours
Svanubhava 2015 will be an overnight festival lasting 24 hours all through the 7th of August.
The Festival will feature a variety of performances including Bhagavatha Mela, Theyyam, Namasankritanam, Nagaswaram
Recital, Kathakali, Carnatic Recitals, Bharatanatyam and Kathak productions, presented across the many beautiful spaces in
Kalakshetra, performed by outstanding artists from around the country.
Please see the attached schedule for the line-up of performances.

Date: August 6, 2015