Special Programmes on 27th February at IGRMS

1. Walk and Talk with Curator
An exhibition on People and Culture of the Indian Himalayas
22nd February onwards
Him-Lok’ Exhibition is a combination of objects and photographs depicting the grand narration of people and culture of the Indian Himalayas. The vast-mountainous tract of the Himalalyas in India, with its varying ecological conditions has not only acted as the center for meditation for the sages and other holy men, but also has given shelter to a large number of ethnic groups with diverse cultural identity and social formation .
Join the walk, talk with Curator and enjoy the exhibits.
Venue: Rock Art Heritage Centre, IGRMS
Time: 11.30 am
2. Documentary Film Screening of  “LE MAHARAJA ET LES TRIBUS DU BASTAR”
Realization: Olivier Lamour
Duration: 52 minutes
About the Film:
            This documentary was shot during the Dussera Festival in Jagadalpur, Chhattisgarh in October, 2012. It has been shown five times on the French Educational Public Channel in January 2014, in the slot dedicated to " Art and Civilisation".
            The main topic of the film is the building of the holy Dusserra chariot dedicated to godess Danteshwari, and all the process, from the choosing of the special tree, to the construction of the Chariot by the dedicated carpenters and blacksmiths. The film is in French language.
Venue: Avritti Bhawan, IGRMS
Time: 4.00 pm

Date: February 27, 2015