NGMA B invites you to 'ar-bo-re-tum' Tour of Trees On Sunday, 15th December 2019 at 11.30 am by N Arun Kumar at NGMA Bengaluru.

National Gallery of Modern Art, Bengaluru
(Ministry of Culture, Government of India)
invites you to
                   Tour of Trees
by N Arun Kumar
A man with a passion for the plant world, he has spent a great deal of time wandering through the forests of India from the dry forests of the Deccan to the conifer and oak forests of the Himalayas.
On Sunday, 15th December 2019 at 11.30 am
at National Gallery of Modern Art, 
# 49, Manikyavelu Mansion, Palace Road, Bengaluru - 560052
Telephone: 080 - 22342338, Telefax: 080 22201027 Bengaluru
Entry free for the event. 

Want to know which trees and plants grow in NGMA Bengaluru premises!

NGMA Bengaluru is happy to announce the tree walk scheduled once every month on Sunday. Reminding the ideology of Gandhi who himself was a deep ecologist and immense value of nature, is also delighted to conduct Tree walk in the premises to help people to familiarise themselves with the flora and fauna, field methods and data collection. These kinds of programs help in sensitizing the people to the issues of sustainability and environmental protection, resulting in cleaner and greener habits that be resulting in an eco-friendly society.

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Date: December 13, 2019