Exhibit of the Month

Exhibit of the Month

Manav Sangrahalaya in continuation to its popular series of ‘Exhibit of the Month’ exhibits one specific object on the dais. In the same series for the month of Fabruary, 2015 the ‘Exhibit of the Month’ is Kohk” Head dress of Bison-horn Maria for dance was inaugurated jointly by members of Academic Advisory Committee of IGRMS, Prof AK Danda, Dr KK CHakravarti (Chairman, Lalit Kala Akademi, New Delhi), Prof Subhadra Channa (Professor, Delhi University) and Prof. Sarit K Chaudhury (Director, IGRMS) today at Veethi Sankul, Manav Sangrahalaya.

Kohk is used for dancing during marriage and other ceremonies. It is made-up of original bison horns, peacock and cock feathers, small bamboo baskets, cowries and cloth etc. Kohk- an identity of Bison-horn Maria, is kept in their house with optimum care in dismantled state. The renowned dance that has given the Bison-horn Maria their name is actually a marriage dance.

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Date: February 12, 2015