Festival of India in Mongolia - the inauguration event

Festival of India in Mongolia

The Festival of India in Mongolia was inaugurated in the Central Cultural Palace in Ulaanbaatar, capital of Mongolia on 7th November, 2015 coinciding with celebration of the 60th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations with Mongolia.  The main event of the inauguration was “Drums of India” performed by a troupe of percussion artists from different parts of India.  MP Mr D Demberel, former Speaker and currently Head of the Parliamentary Group on India in the State Great Hural (National Parliament) was the chief guest during the inaugural event.  Others who attended the inaugural ceremony were present and former political figures, ambassadors and representative of foreign missions, senior government officials from Ministry of Education and Culture, Foreign Office and other departments, large number of students, monks from monasteries, art and yoga enthusiasts etc.  The function was very well attended and enjoyed with enthusiasm. The event received wide coverage in print and electronic media.

Date: November 12, 2015