Exhibit of the week- 182 (23rd to 29th November 2023)

Exhibit of the week- 182
(23rd to 29th November 2023)

A bowl used in the marriage possession.


AYEISHEN/CHAISEN is a bowl specifically used during the marriage procession to visit bride's residence. During the procession, the groom's male will held the bowl to take every possible care of the groom from any kind of metabolic emergencies. There is a general belief that AYEISHEN/CHAISEN marks the auspicious conduct of marriage procession. When any other marriage procession crosses oppositely on the way, there must be an exchange of betel nut and leaf by carrying on this bowl by the groom's caretaker. This is performed with a belief to instill auspiciousness to both the parties for a successful marriage procession. In Manipur the metal craft is specialized by some lineages of the Meitei community under the patronage of the Meitei kings.

Acc. No 2012.150
Local Name- AYEISHEN/CHAISEN, a bowl used in the marriage possession.
Community - Meitei
Locality - East Imphal, Manipur

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Date: November 23, 2023