Arunachal Paridrishya - A special exhibition on people and culture of Arunachal

Arunachal Paridrishya - A special exhibition on people and culture of Arunachal

An ongoing exhibition on people and culture of Arunachal Pradesh, ‘Arunachal Paridrishya’ at Avritti Bhawan of Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya is gaining appreciation from the visitors. The exhibition is an introduction to the culture and people of Arunachal Pradesh.

Arunachal Pradesh, the fascinating land of the rising sun, was earlier known as the North-East Frontier Agency (NFFA) situated along the North-eastern frontier of India, the area has great strategic significance. The whole state is covered with the Eastern Himalayas and is bounded by Bhutan in the west, Tibet in the north-east, Myanmar (Burma) in the east and Assam in the south

Unlike other states, Arunachal Pradesh has a varying geo-morphological and geo-climatic set up. While the climate is very humid in the lower altitudes and valleys, it is extremely cold in the higher altitudes. Amazingly, in this contemporary time there are tribes like Tangsas, Adis, Monpas, Apatanis etc who besides cotton and wool, still prefers the bark fibers extracted from trees, yak’s hair, and human hair for weaving.
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Date: May 12, 2015