Tagore Cultural Complex

Scheme For Tagore Cultural Complexes


1.1. In the VIII Five Year Plan (1992-97), a scheme for grant of financial assistance to State Governments/ State-sponsored bodies for setting up Multi-Purpose Cultural Complexes (MPCCs) was introduced with the objective of improving the quality of life of our young people by making them sensitive to what is aesthetically and morally good in the society and exposing them to the finest forms of creative action. Under the scheme, cultural complexes were set up in the States, for coordinating and fostering activities in various cultural fields, such as music, dance, drama, literature, fine arts, etc. As was provided in the scheme, the requests of State Governments were examined by an Advisory Committee keeping in view the existing facilities in the State or the location, the financial position of the concerned cultural departments, their commitment to provide funds for meeting matching grant and recurring expenditure of the MPCCs. This scheme provided for grant of a maximum of Rs. 1.00 crore to the State Government, subject to 50% of the project cost being provided by the State Government as matching grant.

1.2. The scheme was reviewed, taking into consideration the past performance, and the parameters laid down in the scheme were revised in the year 2004. The revised scheme provided for two categories (I & II) of MPCCs. For Category I, project cost was Rs. 5.00 crores and for Category II, it was Rs. 2.00 crores.

1.3. In all, 49 MPCCs were assisted in different States/ UTs before the scheme was discontinued by the Planning Commission at the end of X Plan. Subsequently, during the Mid Term Appraisal of XI Plan, Planning Commission has agreed that the scheme may be revived with proper modifications.

1.4. In a related development, the National Committee under the Prime Minister and the National Implementation Committee under the Finance Minister, set up to commemorate the 150th Birth Anniversary of Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore, have felt that there is a need for renovation, upgradation and expansion of the large number of Rabindra ‘Bhawans’, ‘Sadans’, ‘Rangshalas’, ‘Manchas’ and other Cultural Centres created across the country through Central assistance as part of a nation-wide programme that was launched on the occasion of Centenary Celebrations of Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore in 1961. These Centres have been in operation for over 30 years and have served the community well.

1.5. As part of the Commemoration of Tagore’s 150th birth anniversary, it has, therefore, been decided to restore/renovate/upgrade/modernize/expand the existing Rabindra Bhawans and also create new cultural complexes in the State Capitals and other cities where no such complexes exist, within the framework of a revised MPCC scheme. The erstwhile MPCC scheme is therefore sought to be revamped and reintroduced in the name of Tagore, so that besides facilitating the setting up of new cultural complexes of varying scales, it also supports upgradation, modernization and modification of the existing Rabindra Auditoria into state-of-the-art cultural complexes.


3.1. The rejuvenated and new version of multipurpose complexes, to be known as ‘Tagore Cultural Complexes’, will foster and coordinate activities in the State in different cultural fields such as music, drama, dance, literature, fine arts, etc. and promote through them the cultural unity of the country and provide avenues for creative expression and learning to the younger generation.

3.2. These multi-purpose cultural complexes will work as centres of excellence in all forms of art and culture, with facilities and infrastructure for stage performances (dance, drama and music), exhibitions, seminars, literary activities, film shows, etc. They are intended, therefore, to go beyond the original Tagore Auditorium scheme and foster a multi-dimensional interest in creativity and cultural expressions.

Eligible Organizations

Under the scheme, financial assistance will be provided to the following:

4.1. State Governments/ UT Administrations;

4.2. Bodies set up or sponsored by State Governments/ UT Administrations;

4.3. Bodies set up or sponsored by the Central Government or organizations under it;

4.4. Universities, Municipal Corporations and other Government-approved agencies; and

4.5. Reputed not-for-profit organizations that are capable of setting up and operating the project, arranging 40% of the project cost as their matching share and meeting the recurring costs, provided they have been inspected and recommended by an appropriate agency of the Central Government or the concerned State Government/ UT Administration and fulfil the following criteria:

  1. The organization is registered as a society under the Registration of Societies Act (XXI of 1860) or similar Acts, or as a Trust or Not-for-Profit Company at least for a period of three years.
  2. Its charter is primarily devoted to the preservation, propagation and promotion of Indian arts and culture.
  3. The organization has a predominantly cultural profile, working primarily for the promotion of arts and culture in fields such as dance, drama, theatre, music, fine arts, indology and literature at least for a period of three years.
  4. The organization is well established and known to be doing meaningful work in the field of its activity and has gained a local, regional or national identity and reputation/standing.

Eligible Projects

Financial assistance will be given to projects of the following nature:

5.1.New Tagore Cultural Complexes (TCCs) Every project must include an auditorium, except in the case of district/ municipal complexes which may instead have a mini-auditorium or open-air amphitheatre or improvised Manch. TCC will be a multipurpose cultural complex but the facilities to be provided in a particular project would depend on the local needs and cultural ethos. Ideally, for the purposes of this scheme, a TCC may aim to have the following state-of-the-art facilities and infrastructure:

  1. An Auditorium (or a set of auditoria of varying capacities), for the performance of live music, dance or theatre or combination of these arts, with a seating capacity appropriate to local needs; can also be used as a venue for lectures, film screenings, etc..
  2. Rooms of varying capacities for seminars, conferences, workshops, etc.
  3. Greenroom(s)/dressing room(s)/makeup room(s) for the performers, and a storage area.
  4. Rehearsal hall(s) for theatre/ music/ dance.
  5. Training Centre/ school for theatre/ music/ dance.
  6. Dormitory for visiting artistes.
  7. Exhibition area(s) for art and photography.
  8. Library/reading room.
  9. Common facilities for office, cafeteria/catering, wash rooms, reception/waiting lounge, parking, etc.

5.2.Upgradation of existing Auditoria/ Cultural Complexes. The scheme will cover projects of upgradation of existing

  1. Rabindra ‘Bhawans’, ‘Sadans’, ‘Rangshalas’,
  2. Multipurpose Cultural Complexes (MPCCs), and
  3. other auditoria/ cultural complexes; and may involve any or appropriate combination of the following components :
  1. Restoration, renovation, extension, alteration, upgradation, modernization of existing physical facilities;
  2. Remodeling of the interiors; and/ or
  3. Provision/ upgradation of facilities like electricals, air-conditioning, acoustics, light and sound systems and other items of equipment, such as audio/ video equipment, furniture and stage material.

5.3.Completion of approved/ ongoing MPCC Projects The projects approved under the erstwhile MPCC Scheme will not be re-opened nor will the sanctioned amount be enhanced under provisions of this scheme. However, in case of projects that were approved by the Expert Committee before the scheme was discontinued or ongoing projects where any instalments are pending for disbursement, the Central assistance will continue to be disbursed under this scheme, but only to the extent and as per the provisions of the said MPCC scheme.

Nature and Extent of Financial Assistance

6.1.The quantum of financial assistance by Government of India will be limited to 60% of the project cost.

6.2.The recipient State Govt or concerned organization will be required to contribute 40% of the project cost as matching share. Cost of land will not be included in matching share. Developed land with approach road will be made available by the concerned State Government, free of cost, unless the organization has land of its ownership.

6.3. Financial assistance under the scheme for any project will normally be upto a maximum of Rs. 15 crore. In very rare cases, of outstanding merit and relevance, the financial assistance can go upto Rs. 50 crore, but then each such individual case of Central assistance beyond Rs. 15 crore will be subjected to the usual appraisal/ approval mechanism prescribed for new Plan schemes.

6.4.All recurring expenditure will be met by the State Government or concerned organization. of project cost may be released for preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR).

Application Procedure

7.1.Ministry of Culture will notify the scheme through its website (www.indiaculture.nic.in) and send direct communication to all State Governments and Union Territories.

7.2.Applications in the prescribed proforma would have to be submitted to the Ministry of Culture, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi.

7.3. All documents mentioned in para 8 below and as applicable must accompany the application. Applications received without any of these mandatory documents will not be taken up for consideration.

Documents to be attached with application

The application should be accompanied by the following documents:

8.1. Project Proposal alongwith a Feasibility Report of the proposed project, including:

  1. Building/development plans (existing/proposed);
  2. Summary of the cost estimates (Building, equipments, facilities, etc.);
  3. Sources of finance/funds for the matching share;
  4. Time schedule for completion of project;
  5. Post-completion plan to show how the organization will manage the operation & maintenance of the facility created through the project and meet the recurring maintenance/ operational costs; and
  6. The organization should include training and refresher courses for the staff as an integral part of its proposal.

8.2. Supporting Documents

8.2.1.For applications by Government departments/bodies/agencies:

  1. Evidence in support of allocation of land in the case of new projects and the layout plan & details of facilities and infrastructure already available if the proposal is for upgradation of an existing auditorium or multipurpose cultural centre; and
  2. A letter of commitment for providing the matching share.

8.2.2.For applications by reputed not-for-profit organizations:

  • Copy of the Certificate of Registration under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 or other relevant Acts;
  • Copy of the Memorandum of Association (or Trust Deed) of the organization including Rules & Regulations, if any;
  • List of present members of the Board of Management/ Office Bearers/Trustees with name & address of each member;
  • Copies of Annual Accounts for the last 3 financial years (duly certified / audited by a Chartered Accountant/ Government Auditor), alongwith IT returns for the last three years;
  • Organization’s Profile containing a description of the organisation, its strengths, achievements and year-wise details of its activities over the last three years;
  • PAN Card and Registration under Section XII A, 80G of IT Act, if any;
  • Copy of the title deed (registered conveyance deed, gift deed, lease deed, etc.), showing ownership of the land/building in the name of the applicant organization and confirming that the property can be used for Commercial/ Institutional purpose. In case the proposal is for upgradation of an existing auditorium or multipurpose cultural centre, layout plan and details of facilities and infrastructure as already available, may be provided;
  • Documentary evidence in support of the claim that the organization has secured or made arrangements to secure its matching share e.g. a bank statement, certificate of expenditure already incurred on the project (with an year-wise break-up duly certified by Chartered Accountant), loan sanction letter, or letter of the State Government/Union Territory Administration, Local Body, etc. sanctioning funds for the project;
  • A Resolution (in the prescribed format) of the Board of Management/ Executive Board/ Governing Body of the organization authorizing a person to sign the application for grant, bond, etc. on behalf of the organization;
  • A Bond (in the prescribed format on a stamp paper of prescribed denomination) for the amount of assistance sought; and
  • A Bank Authorization Letter (in the prescribed format) showing ECS details of the Bank Account of the organization.

Evaluation Procedure

9.1. All applications received by the Ministry of Culture will be scrutinized by it for completeness as per the documentary requirements. Applications which are incomplete (i.e. without requisite documents provided under para 8 above) will not be processed further, until the deficiencies are removed.

9.2. All the complete applications/project proposals will be examined by a National Appraisal Committee appointed by the Ministry of Culture (under para 4 below) for:

  1. Determining the eligibility;
  2. Evaluating worthiness of the proposal; and
  3. Recommending the amount of central assistance for a project.

9.3. All the complete applications/project proposals will be examined by a National Appraisal Committee appointed by the Ministry of Culture (under para 4 below) for:

  1. Whether the applicant organisation is well established in the field and has got an identity of its own;
  2. Whether the proposal is well-conceived;
  3. Whether the cost estimates are reasonable; and
  4. Whether the organisation has the capacity or has made arrangements to bring in its matching share to complete the project and to meet the recurring operational costs, post-completion. While sanctioning new projects under the scheme, the National Appraisal Committee shall also consider and evaluate the utility and output of the existing complexes, population and size of the state, and actual need for the new complex.

9.4. The Ministry of Culture will constitute a National Appraisal Committee at two levels – National Appraisal Committee I to be chaired by Joint Secretary (Culture) and National Appraisal Committee II to be chaired by Secretary (Culture) - and these will include Ministry of Culture officials, representative of Urban Development (CPWD/NBCC), artistes representing different fields of arts and culture and at least one technical expert in light/sound/stage craft, as may be considered appropriate.

9.5. Project proposals seeking Central assistance of upto Rs. 1 crore will be processed through a Fast Track mechanism. These will be examined by the appraisal committee chaired by Joint Secretary (Culture), i.e. the National Appraisal Committee I, and funds will be released in consultation with Internal Finance.

9.6. Project proposals seeking a Central assistance exceeding Rs. 1 crore but upto Rs. 15 crore will be examined by the appraisal committee chaired by Secretary (Culture), i.e. the National Appraisal Committee II, first for an in principle approval and on submission of the DPR for its final approval. The amount recommended by the Committee will be released by the Ministry in consultation with Internal Finance.

9.7. Projects seeking Central assistance exceeding Rs. 15 crore will, with the prior permission of the Minister of Culture, be examined by the National Appraisal Committee II for its in principle approval. On submission of the DPR, the same will be appraised through the usual SFC/ EFC mechanism and funds will be released in consultation with Internal Finance and with the approval of the competent authority i.e. Minister of Culture. (For such projects, special additional funds will need to be made available to the Ministry).

9.8. After in-principle approval of the project proposal by the National Appraisal Committee II, the Ministry of Culture will be communicating the decision to the applicant organization, whereupon it will be required to get a DPR prepared as per Planning Commission format/guidelines. For this purpose, upto 0.5% of the tentatively approved project cost may be released on the request of the organization. Besides submitting DPR, the applicant organization may also be required to make a presentation before the Committee.

9.9. Before according its in-principle approval or the final approval, the National Appraisal Committee will be at liberty to get a local appraisal/ inspection done by an ad-hoc committee of experts and officials or by an outsourced agency appointed for the purpose.

Sanction of Financial Assistance

On approval of the DPR, the Ministry will communicate the decision to the organization indicating the approved total cost of the project, the quantum of assistance sanctioned, the quantum of matching share of the organization and other terms and conditions for release of the sanctioned amount of assistance.

Release of Financial Assistance

The financial assistance will be released in two equal instalments of 50% each of the sanctioned amount of Central assistance.

11.1.1st Instalment of the sanctioned amount would be released on approval of DPR by Ministry of Culture, after adjusting the amount, if any, released for preparation of the DPR. Before release, it will be ensured that the building plans have been approved by the concerned civic authority.

11.2.2nd Instalment of the sanctioned amount would thereafter be released on submission of following documents:

  1. Physical and financial progress report on the project, giving details of the work already carried out/ completed, alongwith the photographs of site.
  2. A Utilization Certificate from Chartered Accountant, certifying that the first instalment of assistance has been fully utilized for the project.
  3. The audited statement of accounts of the project duly signed by a Charted Accountant, showing that the first instalment as also the proportionate matching share has been utilized for the project.
  4. The audited statement of accounts of the project duly signed by a Charted Accountant, showing that the first instalment as also the proportionate matching share has been utilized for the project.
  5. A certificate from State PWD/ CPWD or a registered Architect to the effect that :
    • The project is in progress as per the approved plan;
    • That there has been no violation of the local laws and the approved plan of construction/development;
    • The work done is of satisfactory quality; and
    • Valuation of the cost of work done and the further amount required to complete the project. Notes
    • If the final requirement of funds arrived at, falls short of the approved project cost or the amount of matching share spent by the organization is less than 40% of the approved project cost, the amount of the second instalment of grant will be reduced correspondingly.
    • Before releasing the second instalment, the Ministry will get the project physically inspected through its representative(s) or a team of experts.


For closure of the case, the grantee organization will be required to submit the following documents within 12 months of release of the last instalment:

  1. Project completion report from the State PWD/ CPWD or a Registered Architect.
  2. Final statement of accounts duly certified by a chartered accountant/ Government auditor.
  3. Utilization Certificate from the chartered accountant, of the amount of second instalment.
  4. Certificate from the chartered accountant that the organisation has spent corresponding amount of its matching share.
  5. Completion certificate issued by appropriate civic authority or copy of a letter of the organization to the civic authority informing it of the completion of the project (in case of new construction).

Conditions of the Grant

  1. The cultural complexes will be operated and maintained by the concerned State Government department, body, agency, autonomous organization, or Not-for-Profit Organization. Land provided for the project will be transferred in the name of the Registered Society or the concerned Department of the State Government. Central Government may nominate its representatives on the various bodies (General Council, Finance Committee, Executive Board, etc.) of the Society/ organization running the complex.
  2. Separate Accounts shall be maintained by the Society/ Organisation in respect of the grant released by the Central Government.
  3. The accounts of the Institution shall be open to audit at any time by the CAG of India or his nominee at his discretion.
  4. The State Government or organization shall submit to the Government of India its Statement of Accounts audited by a Chartered Accountant/ Government Auditor, setting out the expenditure incurred on the approved project and indicating utilization of the grants released by Central and State Government.
  5. The functioning of the project will be open to a review by the Government of India, Ministry of Culture in any manner decided by it, as and when deemed necessary.
  6. The institution/organisation/State Government shall exercise reasonable economy in its works.
  7. The first lien on the building and assets acquired with Central assistance will vest in the President of India and neither the building nor the equipment shall be leased or mortgaged to other parties without the prior approval of the Government of India. However, the lease of the auditorium and other project facilities to other parties for temporary use shall be excluded from this rule.
  8. It should be ensured by the grantee organization that the complexes are optimally utilized throughout the year.
  9. Recipient organization will give an undertaking in the beginning itself that it will provide necessary funds for day-to-day activities/running of the Complex.
  10. The Central Government's financial liability will be limited to providing infrastructural facilities to the extent of its share of the approved project cost and not extend to the running of the complex, or to meet additional expenditure on account of cost escalation etc.
  11. The grantee shall execute a bond in the prescribed form in favour of the President of India providing therein that he will abide by the conditions of the grant. In the event of his failing to comply with the conditions of grant by committing a breach of the bond, the Government of India may decide to recover the grant with interest thereon at the prevailing borrowing rate of the Government of India and charge penal rate of interest in case of delay as fixed by the Government of India.
  12. All beneficiary organisations under the scheme are required to send their progress report within six months of the sanction of the grant and subsequently for every three months i.e. on a quarterly basis till the completion of the project.
  13. The grantee organization will acknowledge the financial support of the Government of India, Ministry of Culture by appropriately displaying the name of the Ministry at a prominent place in the complex.
  14. The grant released will not be used for the Administrative Building, Residential Quarters, Director's Bungalow or for any external development, like approach roads, etc.
  15. Such other conditions as may be imposed by the Government of India from time to time.